A survey of U.S. computer owners found that 21% of Windows laptop users planned a future switch to Mac, while just 2% of Mac owners intended to switch to Windows …

The number was higher among Windows desktop users, where a full quarter planned to make the switch to Mac within the next 6-24 months.

Unsurprisingly, those planning a move to Mac were mostly in the higher income brackets, with interest greatest among those earning $150k plus. There was also high interest among lower earners in their teens and twenties, who may be anticipating a switch as their income grows.

The survey was carried out by Verto Analytics.

Consumers are not the only ones to see the value in switching to Mac. When IBM allowed its staff to choose between Windows and Macs back in 2015, it reported a dramatic drop in support calls. It subsequently calculated that IBM saved $270 per employee among those who made the switch.

Photo: ITPro