The launch of 5G iPhones this year will help 2020 device growth, predicts Gartner, before the decline returns next year.

Gartner’s annual global device forecast aims to predict shipments for all sizes of computing devices, from smartwatches to PCs. The company says that this year will see a rare return to growth…

The global devices market has been in decline as a slower pace of technological development sees people hold onto their existing devices for longer.

“2020 will witness a slight market recovery,” said Ranjit Atwal, research senior director at Gartner. “Increased availability of 5G handsets will boost mobile phone replacements, which will lead global device shipments to return to growth in 2020.”

The biggest growth will be in smartphones, thanks to demand for 5G models.

That’s partly a factor of more brands offering 5G models – with Apple the headline news here – and partly due to better 5G coverage. The availability of 5G connectivity is currently extremely limited, with the faster mmWave service mostly only available at the busiest locations in larger cities: major public transit hubs, sports stadiums, and tourist attractions.

Gartner estimates that 5G models will account for 12% of mobile phone shipments in 2020, and that will reach 43% by 2022.

2020 device growth will be short-lived, however. Gartner expects the decline to resume from 2021, though falling 5G phone prices will help buoy the smartphone market.

The PC market did see a boost in 2019, thanks to Microsoft announcing the end of support for Windows 7, prompting upgrades. Increased demand for Windows machines saw Mac market share fall.

You can catch up on everything we’re expecting from this year’s iPhones in our iPhone 12 guide.

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