A man was stung by honey bees multiple times and gulped 30 of them unintentionally In the wake of being stung by honey bees various times on Friday in Ripley, Ohio, 20-year-old Austin Bellamy is as of now getting clinical consideration.


The University of Cincinnati Medical Center put him on a ventilator and put him into a restoratively prompted extreme lethargies when it was uncovered that he was managing lemon tree limbs when he unexpectedly cleaved into a honey bees home. He was stung in excess of multiple times and gulped 30 honey bees therefore. Bellamy was given UC Air Care by crisis work force.

Not long before the clinical helicopter came to fly the 20-year-old to Corryville, Phyllis loaded up an emergency vehicle and set out toward the emergency clinic. His mom said that Craig, a fireman with the Ripley Fire Department, had saved his life.

She additionally conceded that she nodded off subsequent to getting the call. It was essentially a lot for her to deal with, she conceded. “It seemed like he had a dark cover covering his head, neck, and arms.”

As they uncovered, H’s grandmother and uncle were there when the occurrence happened. He attempted to hold himself down, yet he couldn’t on the grounds that the honey bees were out when he began cutting them, Phyllis reviewed. He shouted out, “Help! Help me! Help!” And nobody would assist. Right now, Carter is endeavoring to fund-raise for her child’s treatment through a GoFundMe page she set up. The page has so far raised $2,628 of its $10,000 target.

Austin Bellamy Age, Family, and Early Life Austin Bellamy is money 20 years of age so we expect he was born around 2002 in Ohio, USA. He is the child of Shawna carter who is his mom yet we have no data in regards to Mr. Bellamy his dad as little data in regards to his own life has surfaced over the web, because of which we have no particular data with respect to his date of birth, which makes it challenging to track down a particular data about him at the present time.

austin bellamy family Moreover, his own life has not been generally reported online right now, making it challenging to track down unambiguous data about his family foundation. We are along these lines incapable to furnish you with any ongoing data about his life. Subsequently, Once we dive deeper into him, we will refresh whatever is pertinent to him.

— FOX19 NOW (@FOX19) August 31, 2022

Which school and school did he go to? Because of the absence of public data accessible about him, we don’t have a clue about his instructive foundation. If we get more exact data about his instructive foundation, we will refresh this segment.