Popular password manager 1Password has today been updated with a handful of new features and capabilities. The update brings the app to version 7.1 and includes features such as rich text support for secure notes, 1Password stickers in Messages, and more.

Headlining the update is support for rich text using Markdown in secure notes. This feature originally debuted in 1Password 7 for Mac earlier this year, and it has since made its way to iOS. Users are now able to create secure notes with headers, bold, and italic text, as well as lists, tappable links, and more:

Next up, 1Password has added its own set of stickers for Messages. With these stickers, 1Password users can have some fun in the Messages app and send them back and forth with one another.

The update also includes a whole slew of bug fixes and performance improvements. Perhaps most notably, 1Password says searching no longer returns broken or incorrect results, while creating a new item no longer causes the app to become unresponsive.

Here’s the full, lengthy change log for today’s update:

1Password is available on the App Store, and contrary to a recent report, not being acquired by Apple anytime soon.

When we introduced 1Password 7 for Mac back in May we debuted a whole new way to look at your secure notes. Today, we’re happy to announce that 1Password for iOS has joined the party. You can now create gorgeous looking secure notes complete with headers, bold and italic text, lists, tappable links, and more.

1Password Stickers

If you follow us on social media or keep up to date with our blog (and why wouldn’t you?) you know that our art department is incredibly talented. We are always looking for new ways to let them stretch their creative muscles. When they came to us with a collection of stickers and asked to create a sticker app, there was no way we could refuse. You’ll find a whole collection of stickers in Messages, we hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Fixes, Fixes, Everywhere

Two of the most prevalent bugs we’ve seen reported have also been fixed in this update. Searching no longer returns broken or incorrect results, and creating a new item no longer causes 1Password to become unresponsive. We had some fantastic help tracking these one down from many of you, so thank you so much.


– Markdown support in Secure Notes! {OPM-1099} – 1Password now generates specific icons for each item when an icon doesn’t exist. {OPI-4366} – 1Password Stickers! Check out our stickers in Messages app.


– Updated the text throughout the app to be more consistent. – Improved rendering of template icons in list and detail views.


– Corrected an issue where search could become completely hosed when the items in a vault were updated while search was taking place (for instance, when syncing). {apple-issues#62} – Fixed an issue where adding a Related Item would not refresh the item detail view. {apple-issues#1075} – Fixed an issue that allowed users without the proper permission to move an item to the trash. {apple-issue#1330} – Corrected a problem where 1Password would become unresponsive after adding a new item. – Fixed a crash that could occur when decrypting an item’s icon. {apple-issues#1567} – Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing Secure Notes. {apple-issues#1724} – Fixed a crash that could occur during item saving. {apple-issues#1734}