Many Marvel fans have expressed the view that the MCU has a villain problem. So much attention is focused on creating the superheroes and showcasing their ultimate powers that there isn’t enough time to develop the antagonists of the movies.

Therefore, we get characters like Crossbones, who most people don’t even remember, and Malekith who barely has a backstory.

However, there’s one villain that most people believe evaded the devastating MCU villain conundrum: Loki, the God of Mischief.

Loki is given just as much screen time as some of his superhero counterparts and even has a fan base bigger than many members of the Avengers. This is most likely because he has a compelling backstory that is relatable to the views and is a fully developed character with many dimensions.

However, Loki isn’t entirely unscathed by the villain problem. Despite his multilayered character, there are many things about the God of Mischief that make absolutely no sense.

From his family tree down to his motivations, sometimes there were things about Loki that got overlooked to potentially fulfill Thor’s ultimate story.

So, get ready to break the hearts of fangirls everywhere because here are the 16 Things About Loki That Make No Sense.

How Did He Survive Thor 2?

At the end of Thor: Dark World, we clearly see Loki getting impaled and passing away in Thor’s arms. However, he miraculously survives to be in Thor: Ragnarok. So, how does he do it?

The obvious answer is that he used one of his holograms to take the fall and that Loki wasn’t actually harmed at all. However, how can people touch this hologram when Thor couldn’t even throw a rock at one of Loki’s holograms in Thor: Ragnarok?

When Loki is passing away, Thor is holding him in his arms, which he shouldn’t have been able to do, based on the rules of Loki’s holograms established in Ragnarok.

Actually, one of Loki’s holograms shouldn’t have even been able to get stabbed. If a rock goes straight through the projections without damaging it, then so should a spear.

Why Does He Look Like Hela in Thor: Ragnarok?

The long black hair, the green outfit, the pointy helmet, and the inclination towards evil – are we sure Thor isn’t the adopted one?

In the comics, Hela is actually Loki’s daughter. So on the pages of a comic book, the similarities between Hela and Loki make complete sense.

However, in the MCU’s Thor: Ragnarok, Hela is the daughter of Odin and sister of Thor and Loki. Since Loki is adopted, shouldn’t Hela look more like her blood-related brother Thor than her adopted brother?

When the MCU decided to diverge away from the comics, they probably should’ve also updated Hela’s look so that the relationship was more believable.

Unless we’re all about to be shocked and the MCU decides to reveal Hela and Loki’s true relationship in the upcoming movies.

How Did He Become the God of Mischief?

In the MCU, Loki is the son of Frost Giants Laufey and Farbauti. Neither of his birth parents has any lineage to the gods. Yet, Loki is somehow the “God of Mischief.”

Thor, on the other hand, comes from a family of gods, which is assumedly how he earned the title of God of Thunder and ultimately received the Mjolnir.

Thor’s line to the Gods makes complete sense, but how about Loki? He’s not biologically related to the other Asgardian gods and therefore shouldn’t be grandfathered into the family line. How can an adopted son of a god become a god himself?

This ultimately leads to the age-old question: are gods born or are they made? Maybe the Asgardians are more lenient with the terms of god-hood, or maybe Loki was able to gain his title through other means.

Also, what exactly is a “God of Mischief”?

 Why Isn’t He Blue?

As the biological son of Frost Giant King Laufey, Loki Laufeyson naturally has blue skin. We see this natural blue hue when Odin finds him as an orphan in Thor.

It is assumed in this movie that Odin waves his hand over Loki and casts a spell to mask the child’s blue tint and ultimately conceal his identity.

However, shouldn’t the enchantment have worn off when Odin passed away in Thor: Ragnarok?

Odin was using his magic to keep Hela away from Asgard and as soon as he passed away, the spell clearly wore off. This proves that Odin’s magic was tied to his life force. So, shouldn’t his death also lift Loki’s concealment spell?

Also, as Loki grew up and learned Asgardian magic, shouldn’t he have noticed that there was a spell on him?

He’s one of the greatest magic wielders on Asgard, yet can’t tell when magic’s used on him?

What Happened to Him Between Thor and The Avengers?

At the end of Thor, we see Loki letting go of Thor’s hand and falling off the Bifrost Bridge into the abyss. However, apparently, the abyss wasn’t so abysmal.

The abyss, or black hole, that Loki fell through just so happened to transport him to the Sanctuary where he met Thanos and the Other. However, how did the black hole just conveniently take Loki to where all of his desires would come true?

Also, what exactly happened to the God of Mischief during his time at the Sanctuary?

When he arrives in The Avengers, he looks disheveled and has bags underneath his eyes. What did he see while he was with the Mad Titan and what did the Chitauri do to him?

Lastly, why couldn’t Heimdall see where Loki was? Couldn’t he have warned Thor about Loki before the events of The Avengers?

Why is His Mother His Father?

There are a lot of things about Loki that make absolutely no sense. However, this may have all stemmed from his family tree. The God of Mischief may have inherited all the craziness and confusion from his father – or should we say mother.

Laufey is Loki’s biological father and is featured in Thor as the very masculine king of the Frost Giants. However, based on Norse mythology, the mighty blue Laufey is actually a female and the mother of Loki.

To confuse things even further, Loki’s biological mother, Farbauti is also not a woman in Norse mythology. She is actually Loki’s male father.

So why did Marvel mix it all up? Was it just to confuse us, or was there an underlying reason for the gender switcheroo?

How Has He Been Able to Avoid Thanos’ Punishment for so Long?

At some point between Thor and The Avengers, Loki connected with Thanos’ servant known as “The Other.” The Other provided Loki with all of the manpower and tools he needed to conquer Earth and retrieve the Tesseract. However, it came with steep stipulations should Loki fail his mission.

The Other said, “You will have your war, Asgardian. If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice, where he cannot find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something sweet as pain.”

This warning was meant to show Thanos’ power and scare Loki into succeeding. However, apparently, it was just an empty threat.

It has been six years since Loki failed to deliver the Tesseract and he still hasn’t seen Thanos’ wrath. Guess the Mad Titan really couldn’t be bothered to get out of that chair.

Why Did He Pick Hawkeye to Control Instead of Nick Fury?

When Loki enters the S.H.I.E.L.D compound through the Tesseract’s portal, he immediately takes control of the brains and the muscle. However, why didn’t he take the mind of the man who was clearly in charge?

Loki uses his scepter to mind-control Hawkeye for protection and Dr. Selvig so that he can create the portal to the Chitauri. However, he simply indulges Nick Fury in a conversation as Fury tries to stall the intruder.

Loki had plenty of time to mind-control or take him out before Hawkeye informed him that the building was going to explode.

If Loki’s plan was to keep the Avengers disbanded, then shouldn’t he have taken out the man who was responsible for uniting them? Loki knew a lot about each Avenger and the S.H.I.E.L.D agents so he clearly knew Nick Fury was in charge. Seems like he missed out on a golden opportunity.

Why Did Loki Try to Destroy Thor as Kids?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we get a glimpse of Thor and Loki’s childhood. We learn that Loki turned Thor into a frog and that they were constantly fighting each other.

During the scene where Loki is tied up, Thor even says “This one time when we were children he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes, so I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back to himself and he was like MBLEGH its me! And he stabbed me… we were eight at the time.”

However, why was Loki trying to stab his brother when they were eight? According to the MCU, Loki didn’t start to hate his brother until the first movie when he found out that he was adopted and was never going to become King of Asgard.

How Did He Give Birth to Fenris Wolf… and Other Kids?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we’re introduced to a giant wolf named Fenris. Although we don’t know much about Fenris from the movie, we know that he’s Loki’s son in the comics.

At some point, Loki and the giantess Angerboda birthed the mighty Fenris Wolf.

However, how do a Frost Giant and a giantess give birth to a giant wolf?

Not only does Loki have an unexplainable canine son, but according to Norse mythology, he spent eight years as a female milkmaid and gave birth to many kids. How is this even remotely possible?

In Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014), the God of Mischief goes back and forth between being a man and a woman and has even pretended to be Scarlet Witch. What is the extent of his shapeshifting powers and how much of a person can he really become?

How Did He Know Agent Coulson Was Coming?

In The Avengers, Loki traps Thor in his former cage and has a lengthy conversation with his brother. During this time, Coulson is able to sneak up and attack Loki.

However, Loki is always two steps ahead and Coulson actually shoots a hologram instead of the real-life God of Mischief.

So how did Loki know that Coulson was coming? He was on the computer for awhile and therefore was using a hologram for an extremely long period of time. He had to have known that Coulson was coming as soon as Coulson thought about it.

Is Loki just that good at predicting the future or preventing people from sneaking up from him?

If so, why couldn’t he have prevented the Hulk from getting the jump on him at the end of the movie?

What Was His Plan in Thor?

In Thor, Loki develops an elaborate plan to take out Thor and place himself next in line for Asgard’s throne. Although the plan is pretty complicated, it doesn’t make complete sense.

The God of Mischief helps the Frost Giants sneak into Asgard so that he can destroy Laufey right before the Frost Giant King can take Odin’s life and then destroy Nibelheim. However, wait a minute – didn’t Thor just get banned for doing the exact same thing?

Odin banishes Thor and sends him to Earth because he starts a war with the Frost Giants. So, why would Odin praise Loki for doing the same thing?

Also, Loki’s plan involved waiting until Odin was in Odinsleep before Laufey attacked him. However, wouldn’t you want Odin to be wide awake to see you saving Asgard? How can Odin be impressed with Loki if he’s sleeping the whole time?

Why Doesn’t He Team Up With Hela?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we’re introduced to Odin’s abandoned daughter. Seeking revenge for daddy’s dismissal of her, Hela seeks to take over Asgard and place herself as the rightful ruler of her people.

She manipulates a bystander to help her and ultimately builds an army of undead soldiers to enforce her power.

In The Avengers, Loki is seeking revenge after being shutout by daddy and learning that he was abandoned as a child. He manipulates two humans to help carry out his plans and builds a Chitauri army to enforce his place as a God of Asgard and the ruler of Earth.

Hela and Loki have extremely similar plans and goals.

So, when Hela appears and declares her goals, why doesn’t Loki come up with a plan to team up with her?

As the God of Mischief, he could’ve even planned to betray her and take the throne in the end.

What is He Doing During the 30 Minutes the Avengers Are Fighting the Chitauri?

Towards the end of the movie, Tony Stark realizes that Loki is a “full-tilt” diva who wants an audience to watch his transformation from pampered Asgardian prince to potential bad-boy ruler of Earth.

This is seen when Loki attacks the gala in Stuttgart and makes the attendees kneel before him. He clearly loves his antics, but when it’s ultimately time for his grand performance, Loki disappears before the curtains rise.

During The Avengers’ ultimate last battle, though, Loki is nowhere to be found.

What is he doing for the entire 30 minutes when the Avengers were fighting the Chitauri? Simply propping up his feet and eating popcorn?

This doesn’t seem like the Loki we’re used to and directly contrasts his entire plan to take over the humans of Earth.

Why Doesn’t He Accept Thor’s Love?

From being abandoned by his Frost Giant daddy to being disowned by Odin, Loki hasn’t had the best luck finding a home. However, it’s most likely because he’s looking for love in all the wrong places.

Throughout the movies, there’s been one constant person in Loki’s life. Thor has been there for his vengeful brother whenever he hits rock bottom – even if his rock bottom involves trying to destroy Thor.

Thor’s love for his brother is blind and he’s always willing to erase history and start over on their relationship.

However, despite all of Thor’s attempts, Loki never lets his brother in. He constantly betrays him and chooses mischief and darkness over love. When will we see Loki give in to love and find his happy ever after with Thor?

 His Powers in the MCU

Loki’s powers seem to change in every MCU movie he’s in. In Thor, Loki seems to have limited magical powers. Instead, we see his ability to manipulate people and travel across the Bifrost unnoticed.

Then, in The Avengers, Loki showcases a vast range of magical capabilities as we watch him create illusions and blast bolts of light. However, it’s hard in this movie to differentiate between Loki’s true powers and those obtained from the almighty scepter.

In Thor: The Dark World, we get a brief glimpse of his telekinetic abilities when he trashes his cell with his mind and flings knives without using his hands. However, these abilities are never explored again.

Loki’s powers of illusions also don’t match up between Dark World and Ragnarok.

In Ragnarok, Thor can send a rock right through Loki’s hologram, yet he’s able to hold a dying hologram in his arms in Dark World.


Is there anything else about the God of Mischief that makes absolutely no sense? Let us know in the comments!