The Marvel films are king of the blockbuster movie scene. Marvel Studios produces hit after hit to seemingly no end and even Sony and 20th Century Fox want in on the brand’s massive success. With Avengers: Infinity War still in theaters and plenty of Marvel projects on the horizon, we thought we’d compile their efforts to keep everybody up to date on all things Marvel.

For this list, we’re going to discuss all the Marvel projects that have yet to be released. This includes any productions in development, projects that have been announced, scripts that have been written, rumors of films yet to come, and even some video games too. These projects will range from plans over at Marvel Studios proper to any other company working with the brand. If you thought there couldn’t be any more Marvel in the world, then you are sorely mistaken.

We would like to emphasize that not all in-development projects are set for release. Many of them have been in development years, and just because progress on them has been made does not mean that those projects will make it to completion. Plenty of these Marvel productions are in very early stages, and some might even be stuck in development hell without any signs of cancellation. With that said, the brand’s success has been unparalleled. You never know what Marvel might come out with next.

Here are 16 Marvel Projects Currently In Development (And 10 Rumored).

In Development — Captain Marvel

Although Ant-Man and the Wasp is set for release this summer, many fans are already looking ahead to next year’s Marvel Studios film: Captain Marvel.

This long-awaited powerhouse of a hero will make her debut in a prequel film taking place in the 1990s of the MCU. Serving as Carol Danvers’ origin story, the movie will star Brie Larson and see Captain Marvel protect Earth as it is caught in an intergalactic war between the Kree (seen in Guardians of the Galaxy) and the Skrulls, a race of shape-shifting aliens.

Captain Marvel is inspired by classic ’90s action films (with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige specifically citing Terminator 2: Judgement Day) and will take place both on Earth and in space. It’ll also feature younger versions of characters fans already know like Nick Fury, Agent Coulson, and Ronan the Accuser. Also in the cast is Jude Law as Mar-Vell, Djimon Honsou as Korath, plus unknown roles for Ben Mendelsohn and relative newcomer Lashana Lynch.

Carol Danvers is one of the strongest heroes in Marvel’s catalog and it’s about time she made it to the big screen.

It’s also high-time for a female-led Marvel film, but we’ll have more on that later. Oh, and she’ll be back for Avengers 4 next May — probably to give Thanos the smackdown.

Rumored — Blade

Oh, Blade. You arrived on the scene right before the big superhero movie craze and got bad before anybody realized your potential.

It’s been quite a few years since the Wesley Snipes-vehicle was in the public consciousness, and it might be time to bring the vampire hunter back out of the shadows. The ever-expanding MCU is still looking for new players, and Blade has long been speculated to join the fray. Even Kevin Feige has commented on bringing Blade into the fold, and expressed enthusiasm in using the character again after all these years.

This rumor especially gained some traction just last month when Star Wars actor John Boyega revealed that had he met with Marvel Studios about a potential role in the MCU. Many fans immediately speculated that this role could be a younger, rebooted version of Blade — an idea that Boyega immediately shot down out of love for Snipes’ portrayal. Boyega’s potential role has remained a secret, but his reaction has led many to believe that it isn’t the titular vampire slayer.

Even still, the street-level Netflix heroes could use a new ally, and the supernatural characters akin to Doctor Strange are only now making it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is it finally time for Blade to return to the big screen?

In Development — X-Force

With Deadpool 2 now in theaters, plenty of casual moviegoers are going to become very familiar with X-Force. A darker offshoot of the X-Men, X-Force is an upcoming ensemble film to be headed-up by Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool and a supporting cast of lesser-known mutant heroes. The X-Force is a covert military group that protects the world from dangerous mutants and anti-mutant terrorists. So, like the X-Men, except edgier.

Like the Deadpool franchise, actor Ryan Reynolds is heavily involved with the project as well as writer/director Drew Goddard. Just last week, Reynolds gave an update on X-Force, expressing his enjoyment working with Goddard thus far and even suggesting that the film may warrant the R-Rating. This comes as no surprise given Deadpool’s presence in the film, as well as Fox’s decidedly more mature direction with the X-Men properties in recent years.

With no official word on Deadpool 3, X-Force may end up doubling as the franchise’s spiritual successor.

While the Disney deal has Fox scrambling to cash in on the Marvel properties, hopefully the Deadpool-related projects are given the creative freedom to remain the hilariously fun romps they already are. Hopefully Disney realizes what a gold mine Deadpool’s world is before making any changes or cancellations.

Rumored — Ms. Marvel

While Carol Danvers’ Captain Marvel is coming to theaters next year, Ms. Marvel might be right around the corner. Kamala Khan is a relatively new player in Marvel comics, but she already has a massive following and would make for another great entry in the MCU.

Seeing as the current A-list heroes might be leaving the franchise after Avengers 4, the films might be gearing up for a newer, younger cast. Ms. Marvel would fit right in, and she might be showing up way sooner than expected. Kevin Feige confirmed that Marvel Studios’ is planning for Ms. Marvel’s introduction, though he didn’t mention any specifics — hence why this is labeled a rumor. This could be anything from a cameo in a future movie, to a TV show, to a solo film of her own.

Kamala Khan would make a refreshing addition to the franchise for a whole slew of reasons. Not only does Marvel need more female heroes on its roster, but she’s one of the few popular Muslim superheroes in mainstream comics. She’s also an Avengers fan — obsessed with the superhero culture of her world, even more so than Peter Parker. Not to mention that she’s an Inhuman as well, which makes her a clever segue to introduce them into the films.

The capacity in which she’ll appear is unknown, but it’s safe to say that Kamala Khan is ready to join the MCU.

In Development — Avengers 4

The currently untitled Avengers 4 will pick up after Infinity War’s cliffhanger ending and be the culmination of every Marvel Cinematic Universe film to date. Most of the cast is expected to return alongside Infinity War absentees like Ant-Man, Wasp, and Captain Marvel. Plot details are scarce, though set photos and leaks suggest that the film could be an all-out time travel adventure.

Leaks like this have set the internet ablaze with theories about the film’s plot — many of which center around Doctor Strange and the supposed use of the Time Stone. Whatever happens, it had better involve the Avengers taking Thanos down after his monstrous act in Avengers: Infinity War.

Naturally, Marvel Studios is keeping this movie as secret as possible.

Even the title is apparently a spoiler, though “Avengers: Endgame” seems to be the leading theory.

Avengers 4 drops on May 3rd, 2019 - less than two months after Captain Marvel - and will be followed by the next phase of the MCU films — the line-up of which Marvel also wants to play very close to the chest. Until then, we’ll just have to hold our collective breath and hope that our favorite heroes haven’t met their end for good.

Rumored — A Rebooted Fantastic Four

We all know it’s inevitable, and hardcore Marvel fans cannot wait. With Disney’s buyout of 20th Century Fox hanging over us, it might only be a matter of time before Marvel’s favorite family can join their friends in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Their tenure over at Fox has been rife with constant failure — so much so that Marvel comics briefly stopped publishing Fantastic Four books. Now, with the fab four finally returning to comics, the movies might restore them to their former glory.

Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has confirmed an intent to work the Fantastic Four into the MCU. He admits that it will take quite some time to do so — “a handful of years” at the very least — but it is something that the studio has plans for. This gap in time is to account for proper narrative changes, but mainly for the finalization of the Disney-Fox deal.

The studio is more concerned with the characters it already has under its belt and prioritizes those productions above all else. Even still, the Fantastic Four can’t be far behind. This is only speculation, but if that deal wraps up sometime soon, it’s safe to assume that the Fantastic Four will show up sooner rather than later.

In Development — Gambit

Fox has been trying to produce a Gambit film for years now. The character was to be included in the franchise as early as 2003 in a scene cut from X2: X-Men United, and a solo film has been in the works since 2014. Channing Tatum was the very first choice to fill the role (even before Taylor Kitsch from X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and is still attached to the seemingly never-ending production.

The project is constantly in flux, losing and hiring directors, stars, and even Tatum himself has backed out on occasion.

First Rise of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt was attached to the project, until he dropped out and was replaced by Edge of Tomorrow’s director Doug Liman. Liman eventually jumped ship as well and was replaced by Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski, until he left the project too.

Despite having no director, X-Men producer Simon Kinberg recently confirmed that the production is still a go, and that the studio hopes to get started as early as this summer. Odds are that this project will be rendered pointless by the Disney deal whether it releases or not, but Fox is desperate to find a new leading character after Hugh Jackman’s retirement from the Wolverine role. Could the new face of the franchise be Channing Tatum’s Gambit?

Rumored — House of M

Scarlet Witch and Vision aren’t exactly A-list Avengers, but they are slowly becoming fan-favorites. It may benefit the company to give them their own shot at a franchise. Fans of these characters should rejoice, as one of the many rumors floating around is a loosely-adapted House of M film.

Scarlet Witch actress Elizabeth Olsen has expressed enthusiasm for such a project, saying that she would love to be in an adaptation of the famous Marvel storyline. House of M has Scarlet Witch create a pocket dimension where mutants are the dominant species on the planet. This allows her to live peacefully with her family: the royal “House” of Magneto. The Avengers and the X-Men eventually turn things back to normal, but at a very high cost.

House of M heavily features the X-Men characters — even Olsen remarks that their involvement would need to be written out for legal reasons — but the story makes a good template for a standalone film starring Wanda. Olsen also wants to tweak the story so that it deals with her and Vision’s relationship a bit more directly, which isn’t such a bad idea.

None of the MCU films focus too heavily on romance, but a thoughtful drama about Scarlet Witch’s complicated relationship with Vision would be especially unique in the action-heavy superhero genre. For now, it’s just a rumor, but their continued growth as characters may eventually warrant a spin-off like this one.

In Development — Black Widow

Finally, right? It’s about time.

Despite Marvel Studios’ hesitation these last few years, the company seems to finally be moving ahead with a Black Widow solo film.

Marvel has already met with over 65 directors to helm the project, and the script is already in progress. Who knows where the character will be after Avengers 4, but rumors indicate that her solo adventure might actually be a prequel film.

No official plot details have been released, but the story could feature a still-brainwashed Winter Soldier, as well as the chance to explore the friendship between Black Widow and Hawkeye. Seeing as these characters have great dynamics in the comics, it makes sense that Marvel would capitalize on them by featuring them in the same film.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a breath of fresh air in the MCU, and after the fate-of-the-universe stakes in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4, a gritty, grounded spy thriller might be just what the franchise needs to keep people hooked.

Thankfully, the project is reportedly aiming for a 2020 release. That date isn’t official, but it’s nice to know that Marvel Studios is prioritizing a project that fans have been requesting since the very beginning of the franchise.

Rumored — Doctor Strange 2

Most successful properties in the Marvel Cinematic Universe get sequels right away. If they aren’t released soon after, they’re at least announced publicly to build up hype. Sadly, this isn’t the case for Doctor Strange 2, as nothing has been confirmed on the psychedelic sequel. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s a lost cause.

Doctor Strange screenwriter Robert C. Cargill has confirmed that a story is already prepped for the second film. Cargill and co-writer Scott Derrickson (who directed the first film) have been working on a story that involves the Dream Dimension and its ruler, the classic Doctor Strange villain Nightmare. Chiwetel Ejiofor’s Baron Mordo is also involved in the story as Cargill himself stated that he has big plans for the character, hoping to make him a standout villain in the MCU along the lines of Loki.

However, this doesn’t mean that the sequel is in development in any official capacity, and it’s unclear if this creative team will even be at the helm of any future Doctor Strange projects. Perhaps the studio is simply prioritizing other productions first. After all, Doctor Strange wasn’t as big a phenomenon as recent MCU hits like Black Panther and Spider-Man: Homecoming. If Marvel does pull the trigger on another film, though, at least Derrickson and Cargill are prepared to follow up their 2016 hit.

In Development — X-23

Another X-Men spin-off? You must be so surprised. Don’t worry though, this project sounds like a natural progression for the franchise.

2017’s Logan was a gigantic hit. The western-noir brings Hugh Jackman’s role as Wolverine to a climactic and emotional end, but it also introduced audiences to his young successor, X-23. Played by Dafne Keen, Laura is Wolverine’s cute but vicious surrogate daughter. Keen’s performance took fans by storm, and she instantly became a fan-favorite character.

Although Logan ends on a pretty “final” note, director James Mangold confirmed work on a follow-up script by writer Craig Kyle. There are no further details on the project, but the prospect of Mangold working on another X-Men film should be enough to excite.

Logan is beloved by superhero fans and film critics alike, as it even received an Academy Award nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay - though Kyle was not involved. James Mangold is a talented filmmaker and his unique take on these characters is one that fans should be excited to see more of.

Not only does Dafne Keen have the potential to take over for Hugh Jackman as star of the franchise, but the X-23 character is the perfect candidate to bridge the old X-Men films and potential new ones in a meaningful way.

This project seems especially promising, so hopefully news of its development doesn’t end here.

Rumored — An All-Female MCU Film

Captain Marvel will be Marvel Studios’ first female-led superhero film thus far, but why not take it a step further? The representation of women is something the that superhero genre tends to struggle with, and the top-tier Avengers are overwhelmingly male. The MCU has no shortage of strong women, which makes it all the more exciting to hear about a potential all-female ensemble film in the Marvel universe.

On the back of her recent role as Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok, Tessa Thompson reportedly pitched an all-female MCU movie to studio president Kevin Feige alongside many of her female Marvel co-stars, including Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Scarlet Johansson (Black Widow), Pom Klementieff (Mantis), and Karen Gillan (Nebula).

There is no information that says it was anything beyond a simple elevator pitch, but Feige is reportedly very enthusiastic about the idea. Also in public support of the all-female ensemble is Black Panther director Ryan Coogler, who even went as far as to say that he would love an opportunity to direct it.

With the debut of the Wasp this summer, the Black Widow project in the works, and plenty of other female heroes to shine the spotlight on, this might be inevitable for the cinematic juggernaut.

In Development — Spider-Man: Homecoming 2

If you were shocked at Spidey’s emotional demise in Avengers: Infinity War, then have no fear. Tom Holland will return in Avengers 4, as well as in Spider-Man: Homecoming 2. The sequel is set for release in 2019 and will headline the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Little is known about the film, and much of its plot will likely depend on what happens in Avengers 4.

Supposedly it takes place mere minutes after Avengers 4 ends, and it’ll be an international adventure for the typically Manhattan-bound Spider-Man.

No villain has been announced, but Homecoming’s mid-credits scene suggests that Mac Gargan (played by Michael Mando) may reappear. Gargan is the supervillain Scorpion, who confronts Michael Keaton’s Vulture in prison to ask him about Spider-Man’s whereabouts. Also in Homecoming is Donald Glover’s character Aaron Davis — secretly the villain Prowler and uncle to Miles Morales, the second Spider-Man. It’s unclear as to whether or not he will return, but he may be the key to building Miles as a younger hero.

Much of Spidey’s supporting cast is yet to be introduced, but Homecoming 2 casting calls suggest some new additions. The studio is reportedly looking to fulfill the role of a strong “femme fatale” character as well as a villain with “elevated ideas”. Maybe the latter is Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio, who is reportedly in talks to join the film. With that said, it could be referring to an entirely different character.

Perhaps Avengers 4 will give us a better idea of what is to come for the friendly neighborhood web-slinger.

Rumored — Nova

Seeing as the Marvel films continue to get more cosmic with each entry, Nova’s debut seems to be right around the corner. He is a highly requested addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Marvel Studios seems to hear the clamoring fans loud and clear. Marvel President Kevin Feige has confirmed the studio’s interest in the character, remarking that Nova has “immediate potential” to join the MCU and that he may show up sooner than expected.

While Feige didn’t get into specifics, he recognized how organically Nova could join the cosmic side of the films, and even revealed that the character was in early drafts of Guardians of the Galaxy. This just goes to show how long Nova has been prepared to join the movie universe. It also leads many to believe that Nova might feature in one of the upcoming untitled Marvel films, or even in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 set for release in 2020.

Of course, the Nova mantle has been worn by several heroes, and Feige didn’t specify which version of the character he was referring to. He was probably talking about Richard Rider, the original Nova and a favorite among Marvel fans. However, with the recent popularity of Sam Alexander, Kid Nova, it’s unclear who might be set to join the MCU. Who knows — he could have been talking about both of them!

In any case, expect this character to make an appearance sooner rather than later.

In Development — Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Before Black Panther shattered all expectations, Guardians of the Galaxy was Marvel’s prized lightning-in-a-bottle franchise. While there is no word on a Black Panther 2 just yet — though surely, it’s inevitable — these cosmic misfits are already prepared to follow up their two films with another: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The third entry in the franchise is set for release in 2020 and will follow Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 as Marvel’s second film in phase four.

Most of the Guardians don’t make it out of Avengers: Infinity War (other than Rocket and Nebula), but they’re supposedly set to return for Avengers 4. While this may be a comfort for fans, who knows how different the team roster will look when the war with Thanos is all over. All we know so far is that the film reportedly starts filming next year with James Gunn at the helm, and will feature the introduction of Adam Warlock as teased one of the end-credits scenes of Vol. 2. As a villain, perhaps?

With rumors of Nova’s appearance and the potential for more Guardians films (especially with the addition of Sylvester Stallone’s Starhawk and the rest of his team), this franchise is hardly endangered by Thanos’ dreaded Infinity Gauntlet finger-snap.

In Development — Kitty Pryde

Logan proved to be a critical success and Deadpool continues to stand out in the genre, but despite Disney’s pending acquisition of the studio, there are still plenty Fox-Marvel projects in the works. One of those is a Kitty Pryde film — a spin-off to be helmed by Deadpool director Tim Miller.

Fox already plays things fast and loose with X-Men continuity, so whether or not this is a reboot or an Ellen Page-starring spin-off is totally unclear.

The only major news about the production is its screenwriter: prolific comic author Brian Michael Bendis. Bendis (who only recently left Marvel for a position at DC comics) has shaped the last decade of Marvel comics with some of the most famous (or infamous) stories in recent memory. Bendis is also notoriously fond of the Kitty Pryde character, as she immediately became a major player in his All New X-Men, and she even took over for Star-Lord in his run on Guardians of the Galaxy. At least the film is in experienced hands.

The film’s working title, “143”, is a reference to Uncanny X-Men #143, a horror issue starring Kitty herself. If New Mutants is setting some kind of precedent, will horror be the new direction for the X-Men franchise?

Rumored — Moon Knight

This fan-favorite hero is way overdue for an adaptation. Moon Knight has been one of the most requested additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and rumors of his introduction have been viral for years. He could easily headline his own film, and many fans have expected him to join the Marvel Netflix characters as a fellow street-level vigilante.

Although nothing Moon Knight-related is publicly in the works, Marvel has made its interest in the character very clear. Kevin Feige himself mentioned Moon Knight as a potential addition to the MCU, though he didn’t seem very enthusiastic. He suggested that it could still take many years before fans see him on-screen, and the capacity of his appearance wasn’t specified.

Moon Knight is one of the most complex characters in the brand’s roster and it’s possible that the creatives behind his debut are still debating about how to make it happen. He’s a mercenary, has multiple personalities, and has an origin story steeped in the supernatural — not exactly a straight-forward story to tell. However, Moon Knight’s popularity makes him worthy of his own TV series, let alone several films.

Perhaps Marvel is waiting to pull the trigger on a new Marvel series while Disney transitions its properties to its own streaming service next year, but fans should feel secure in the knowledge that Moon Knight is on his way - eventually.

In Development — X-Men: Dark Phoenix

While the Marvel Studios films are flourishing over at Disney, 20th Century Fox is chugging along with many of its Marvel properties. One of many is the next film in the X-Men franchise, X-Men: Dark Phoenix. 

The movie is reported to be a close adaptation of Chris Claremont’s classic “Dark Phoenix Saga” (unlike the extremely loose adaptation in 2006’s X-Men: The Last Stand) and will take finally take the gifted youngsters to space.

Dark Phoenix was supposed to release in November of this year, but the film was pushed back until February 2019 alongside New Mutants to accommodate some supposedly extensive reshoots. While New Mutants is undergoing massive changes (to reportedly make the film scarier and add new characters), Dark Phoenix has to account for Sophie Turner’s schedule, as she is busy shooting the next season of Game of Thrones. After all, it wouldn’t be much of a Dark Phoenix film without the Phoenix herself.

As a result of the delay, the film has released very little in the way of marketing. Other than leaked set photos, only a few official images have been made public and a trailer is nowhere to be seen. Dark Phoenix will likely rear its head after the Deadpool 2 hype calms down and the reshoots near completion.

Rumored — A Rebooted X-Men

Disney’s Fox acquisition has put the X-Men franchise in a frenzy. Fox is in a hurry to breathe some semblance of life into the franchise in a way that doesn’t involve Deadpool or tenuously related TV shows. Even with what feels like endless potential spin-offs in the works, none of them sound as appealing to fans as an authentic, rebooted, Marvel Studios-produced X-Men series.

In light of the Disney buyout, Kevin Feige has gone on record stating that a new X-Men project is in the cards, but not for many years and not until the deal has been completely finalized. This still hasn’t stopped fans from begging for a Marvel universe made whole again, as an MCU that involves the X-Men and Fantastic Four is what comic lovers have wanted for ages.

Feige went on to say that MCU plans wouldn’t be affected even if the deal is completed fairly quickly. He does admit that he is excited by the opportunity to work with the X-Men again, but says the next phase of Marvel films will not make way for any Fox-owned properties.

It sounds like it’s only a matter of time before the mutants make their way home, and hopefully they bring the Fantastic Four with them. In the meantime, fans may have a slew of spinoffs to keep them satisfied - or furious, depending on the quality.

In Development — Doctor Doom

Fox has had no success in adapting the Fantastic Four. The first two films were met with lukewarm critical reception, and 2015’s Fant4stic was met with sheer derision. Surprisingly, Fox wants to take another stab at it with a different approach: a solo film starring Doctor Doom.

The project is being developed by Fargo and Legion creator Noah Hawley and is said to be a political thriller inspired by Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Doctor Doom, like many of the other Fox-Marvel projects, is in potential jeopardy in the wake of the Disney-Fox deal. Many expect the rights to Fox’s Marvel properties to move to Disney in the process (and by extension, Marvel Studios proper), but according to Hawley, the project is still moving forward. This character has never been done justice on the big screen, and so hopefully something good comes of another attempt.

With Infinity War wrapping up a decade-long story arc, Marvel Studios is going to need a new top tier villain. Most fans would like that villain to be Doctor Doom, but who knows — Marvel fans may get this non-MCU solo film instead. That probably won’t please everybody, but at least Doctor Doom will get another shot at being the A-list villain he is in the comics.