Apple Watch includes plenty of Siri integration, and while it’s not as extensive as what you can do with Siri on the iPhone, it’s still plenty useful as it currently stands.

You can activate Siri on the Watch by either pressing and holding the digital crown or turning your wrist toward you and saying, “Hey Siri”. Know that Siri doesn’t talk on the Watch, it’s all text, so you’ll have to read the results.

It’s important to note that all that we’re about to tell you works with watchOS 2. Also, Siri on Watch won’t work offline or without an iPhone.

As we stated at the beginning, Siri doesn’t do as much on the Watch as it does on the iPhone or iPad, but it does enough and there are sure to be more features added in future watchOS updates. Here then is a tour of the things you can do with Siri on Watch.

Message and Call People

You can now live out all your Dick Tracy fantasies by calling or texting people from your wrist. It works just as it would on iPhone, simply tell Siri who you want to call or message.

So, for example, if you want to call someone, you simply tell Siri “call so-and-so” or to text you can use a command like “send a message to …”.

Just remember, you might look a little strange walking around talking to your wrist but if you don’t want to fumble to get your iPhone out of your pocket, or you just want to dash off a quick text, then the Watch will do the trick.

Change Settings

One of the most useful ways of using Siri to interact with your Watch is to change settings. For example, if you want to put it into airplane mode, you’d say “turn on airplane mode” and so on.

Just remember, you can just as easily turn off settings as you can turn them on.

Set Timers and Alarms

You can use Siri on your Watch to set quick timers and alarms.

Just tell Siri to “set a timer for x minutes” or “set an alarm for x AM/PM” and it will do the rest.

Get the Time Elsewhere

If you want to know what time it is in Moscow or Tokyo, then you’d ask Siri to “show me the time in Moscow” and it will display it accordingly.

Obviously, you don’t need Siri to show you the local time on the actual Watch, but it’s nice to know you can see it anywhere else almost instantaneously.

Perform Image Searches

You can use Siri to plug into Bing image searches.

There’s not a whole lot you can do with image searches other than scroll through them, you can’t enlarge or save them to your iPhone so it isn’t entirely clear how useful this will be to most people.

Start Workouts

Use Siri to start a workout such as “start an outdoor run” or “start an other workout”.

This is a lot easier than using the Watch since you don’t have to physically interact with it.

The Watch is ideal for walking routes though we can’t recommend you keep glancing at your wrist while you’re driving. Use a phrase such as “map me to the nearest carwash” or “show me directions to Columbus, Ohio” to use Siri on Watch to navigate.

Watch will tap your wrist as any turns or further instructions come up. Again, this is better if you’re walking or riding a bike, not so much when you’re operating a car.

Play Music

If you have an Apple Music subscription, then you can use Watch to control what you hear.

So, for example, if you want to play a song by a specific artist or from a particular genre, or from a certain time, Siri can do all that for you on the Watch and then you will be able to listen to it through your iPhone or any Bluetooth device to which you have it paired.

Show Glances

Want to quickly see glances? Simply tell Siri to open the glance in question. For example, in the following screenshot, we’ve asked Siri to “open battery glance” and “open heart rate glance”.

This is a whole lot quicker than swiping to the glance you want.

Spell and Define Words

Use Siri on the Watch to define or spell words. Arguably, stuff like this is a lot more practical with the Watch since you don’t have to pull your iPhone out of your pocket.

Simply hold your Watch to your lips and tell Siri to define or spell the word in question. Note, if you ask Siri to spell a word, it will also show you the definition.

Open Apps

Use Siri on Watch to open applications such as “open Pandora” or “open Messages” and easily avoid having to use the Watch’s launcher.

There’s no need then to open the Watch’s app launcher and tap the app you want, which is definitely a lot more convenient.

Perform Calculations

There’s no need for a calculator on Watch when your can just use Siri to perform calculations for you.

Obviously, square roots aren’t all you can do. You can also perform other calculations and even conversions, same as if you’re using an iPhone or iPad.

Check the Weather

Want a quick check on the weather? You can ask Siri what the weather will be like tomorrow, a specific day, or throughout the upcoming week.

So, the next time you want to know if it’s going to rain on the weekend, or whether you need a sweater when you go out on Friday, just ask Siri.

Create Events and Reminders

Just like on iPhone or iPad, you can use Siri to create events and reminders.

The dialog is the same, just tell Siri “create an event at noon called such-and-such” or “create a reminder to …” and it will do the rest.

Turn Lights on and Off

If you have your lights or locks connected to Apple’s HomeKit, then you can use Siri to control it.

What you can do with HomeKit commands will depend on what you have hooked up to it.

For all Siri can do on the Watch, it still can’t book restaurant reservations, write emails, or search for anything where you might need to interact with the screen. For anything like that, you’ll have to defer to the iPhone.

Got a question about using Siri on your Apple Watch or maybe a comment concerning something? Would you like to add something that we may have overlooked? Please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.