Disney and Pixar have been something of a powerhouse in Hollywood. Since they created the first feature-length 3D animated film in 1995, they’ve continued working and thus far have released 19 feature movies. They also have seven more slated between now and 2022.

It goes without saying that Pixar is one of the most well respected production companies in the industry, which other animation companies like Dreamworks having tried to ride off of them.

The popularity and success of Pixar’s films have led to a number of fan theories that have swarmed the Internet.

Among these theories is the Pixar Theory, a theory that somehow connects all of the Pixar entities into one combined Universe, with Boo from Monsters Inc. being the causation of almost every event in the films.

Needless to say, the Internet loves Pixar, particularly millennials and members of Generation Z, who grew up with Pixar.

Despite the insane success of the franchise, Pixar’s movies are not always perfect. While their screenwriters always work hard to make their movies spectacularly well-polished, sometimes the Internet finds holes and does what the Internet does best: make memes.

While a number of Pixar memes use Pixar characters as a “base,” such as the meme of Buzz talking to a cringing Woody taken from Toy Story 2, there have also been a fair number of memes that only serve to find the most nonsensical parts of Pixar’s work.

Here are the 15 Pixar Memes That Prove The Movies Make No Sense.

Falling Back On Instinct

This is a legitimate plot hole in the first Toy Story movie. A big part of the movie’s plot centers around Buzz Lightyear being oblivious to the fact that he is a toy, and instead insisting that he is an actual Space Ranger.

No matter what Woody and the other toys do to convince Buzz that he is a toy, Buzz never strays from staying in character.

The one glaring exception, however, is that Buzz will always freeze in the presence of his owner Andy, just like every other toy in the movie.

The only possible explanation of this is that toys are forbidden by nature to move in front of humans, but this is disproven later in the movie when Woody and a number of other toys interact with the film’s human antagonist Sid.

This is one aspect of Toy Story, possibly Pixar’s greatest movie, that really just doesn’t make much sense.

Even Fish Get Bald Spots Apparently

In Finding Dory, we finally met Dory’s estranged family, who she lost years ago after forgetting where they were.

While many people weren’t a big fan of the Finding Dory the reunion of Dory with her parents was truly heartwarming and easily the best part of the film.

Something that didn’t make sense, however, was the design on Dory’s father Charlie’s head. Fans quickly noticed that the black design over the blue part of his body resembled a receding hairline of a middle-aged human.

While this is certainly humorous and clever, helping us identify the gender and approximate age range of Charlie, it really doesn’t make much sense.

The Finding Nemo films typically try to keep their fish characters accurate to the species they resemble, so this unnatural change in a fish’s design is a bit alarming.

Not A True Fan

First of all, come on Pixar, this is a kids movie! You can’t just say, “And got Bizzzzayyy!!!” and expect to get away with it.

Second of all, these comments make a lot of sense. As a child, Buddy / Syndrome was, by his own words, Mr. Incredible’s “biggest fan.”

The social dynamics of the superheroes were presumably no secret to the common man during this time, and particularly not to their biggest fan.

Most people probably knew that Mr. Incredible and Frozone were best buds during this time, so how come it came as such a big of a surprise for Mr. Incredible and Elasta-Girl, who were probably pretty public in their affair, to end up being married?

Maybe Buddy was just in hopeful denial, as the commentors suggested, and really did ship Mr. Incredible and Frozone as his “One True Pair.”

Something definitely isn’t normal here….

As the first 3D animated feature, we tend to cut Toy Story a lot of slack for their animation issues – but this one is unforgivable.

How did we not ever notice that all of Andy’s friends were actually just Andy in different clothes? They only appear in brief shots, so it’s understandable why they didn’t focus too much on the kids, but still…

Making new faces is one of the hardest things to do in animation, particularly with 3D animation. Lots of old shows like Tom & Jerry wouldn’t show the faces of the humans because they were too hard to make and not necessary for the plot.

Furthermore, Toy Story isn’t even the only time Pixar has avoided animating new faces. One of the toddlers from Toy Story 3 was actually just Boo from Monsters Inc. 

While a lot of people tried to make some huge theory based on this, what really happened was that the animators at Pixar just got lazy and decided to copy-and-paste a previously used face. It certainly should’ve saved them hours behind the computer.

What happened, guys?

For 16 years, Pixar had a seemingly perfect streak. All of their films were top-of-the-line, with each of them eventually earning a “Certified Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Unfortunately, that all changed with Cars 2.

Until the release of Cars 2, Cars was the lowest rated Pixar movie. Despite being the lowest rated, Cars was still Certified Fresh, so it really wasn’t too bad.

Regrettably, the people at Disney and Pixar got money signs in their eyes when they realized how terrifically their Cars merchandise sold.

Desperate to put more toys on the market, they quickly dished out Cars 2, which was frankly underwritten and unoriginal, but the kids loved the toys, so Disney really didn’t have much of an issue with the poor quality.

Monsters Inc. Just Became Paradoxical

 Monsters Inc. possibly has the cleverest premise of any other Pixar movie, following a business among monsters of scaring kids, and travelling to kids’ rooms via closets.

However, this meme does point out a very interesting question about this hypothetical universe…

The entire premise of Monsters Inc. is based on one assumption: every child’s closet is empty and closed. What happens if a monster tries to enter a child’s room via the closet and the closet door is open?

Furthermore, as the meme questions: what happens if someone was inside the closet?

One possible answer to a person being inside of the closet would be that he would turn around and walk out of the backside of the door located in Monsters Incorporated, whereas the monster would still walk into the child’s room unharmed.

This is one theory, and further experimentation is necessary to come up with a logical conclusion.


While we are unsure if a toy can actually die in the Toy Story universe without their body being destroyed, this meme makes a really good, yet disturbing, point.

We do know that the toys in the universe do fear death. In the first Toy Story, after Woody knocks Buzz out the window, the other toys accuse of Woody of murdering their newest friend. So this does in a way confirm that death is present in their world.

Unfortunately, we may never know if a toy can actually pass away in Toy Story.

While Pixar has worked with death lately, with movies like Coco, they likely won’t be going this dark and sadistic in Toy Story 4. Pixar may just leave this one up for the Internet to decide.

Losing Faith In Our Heroes May Be Sadder Than Losing Them Altogether

Pixar is no stranger to making us cry, whether it was with Jesse’s tragic back story, the opening of Up, or almost the entirety of Coco.

However, the saddest moment in Pixar history was probably when we lost all hope in our favorite animation studio with the release of Cars 2.

While the original Cars wasn’t at all perfect, it was still touching and inspiring like any other Pixar movie at the time. Unfortunately, Cars 2 was quite the opposite and became nothing more than an action comedy made just for the money.

While the film was a critical failure, it still managed to be financially successful, ending up as the most successful Cars movie to date.

The only good thing that came from this film was Cars 3, which was surprisingly better than both of the others.

Lazy Or Clever?

As mentioned before, Pixar animators tend to get lazy at times and will end up reusing assets they’ve previously used in other films.

One of the most notable examples of this was the camper over Bug City in A Bug’s Life. The camper was reused briefly in Monsters Inc, with it being the “closet” that Randall is tossed into during the climax of the film.

Many people saw this as some huge Easter Egg, considering that the iconic Pizza Planet truck that appears in every Pixar movie was next to it.

However, it’s more than likely that this was just laziness on the part of the animators. They were almost finished with the movie, and really didn’t want to create a completely new setting when they just could’ve reused one.

Hopefully They Don’t Get This Far


Who would’ve guess that Toy Story, the first project under Pixar, would end up being their most financially successful franchise?

With Toy Story 4 set to release next year, we are starting to wonder when the series will come to an end. The franchise has seemingly been going strong for the past 23 years, and there’s no sign of an end.

Hopefully we will not ever get a Toy Story 19, and if we do, we certainly hope it doesn’t follow the toys being trapped in Andy’s or Molly’s grave.

While having a movie like this focus so much on death may seem too far beyond Pixar, Coco proved that death is not nearly as taboo with Pixar as we thought.

Who knows, we may see the toys enter the Land of the Dead from Coco down the road.

This Raises A Valid Point On Morality

While a good superhero flick is always amazing, it’s starting to become apparent that this one felt a little off for Pixar.

While The Incredibles was undoubtedly a movie for the whole family, it missed one enormous thematic opportunity: that people without powers can be humans too.

The fact that Mr. Incredible cast Buddy, who was clearly a smart and genuine kid, aside simply because he didn’t have any powers is actually kind of hard to look past.

No matter what Buddy did, creating incredible new gadgets for his favorite hero, Mr. Incredible was nothing but rude to the child, traumatizing him for life.

In hindsight, Mr. Incredible maybe wasn’t so incredible after all, he was really just a big bully. Though Mr. Incredible was super-powered and heroic, Buddy ended up being the true incredible mister.

And Two Cars Sequels

Seriously, though? Why did we have to wait so long for The Incredibles 2? Though the movie is now only a couple of months away, we still had to wait 14 years for it to come. This is actually the longest we’ve ever had to wait for a Pixar sequel.

Fortunately, we can hope that the wait was for good reason. With the exception of the Toy Story films, Pixar sequels have become notorious for being lesser than their predecessors.

While movies like Finding Dory and Monsters University were at least entertaining, they weren’t necessarily up to the Pixar’s par, and certainly not as high quality as Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc.

Hopefully, over the past 14 years, Pixar has been able to develop a the sequel we deserve.

However, again, really? We had to sit through three Cars movies between the release of The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2. Mater’s funny, but there’s only so much we can take. Most people would take Jack Jack over Mater any day.

Running Out Of “What If’s”

Pixar has a formula that certainly works: adding human characteristics to things we typically wouldn’t consider to have them.

Whether it’s making toys jealous of each other, making a bug an inventor, or making us feel awful for owning fish tanks in our homes, Pixar has great ways of telling stories we typically wouldn’t expect to see.

However, one can’t help but imagine what was going on in Pixar’s writers’ room when the idea for Inside Out was pitched.

The movie ended up being phenomenal, but the entire premise felt a little bit like a joke, teasing Pixar’s previous films over the past 20 years.

Pixar managed to take it to a completely different level last year, finally asking us the question, “What if dead people had feelings?” We are all curious to see what will have feelings next.

 2. Dedication At It’s Finest

One of the most creative aspects of Pixar movies, at least for their early flicks, was that they would actually animate a full blooper reel for the credits.

Whether it was Woody pranking Buzz in Toy Story 2, or having Rex appear in Monsters Inc., the folks at Pixar always knew how to make us laugh as the credits rolled.

However, the question here is, where did the animators find the time for this? Not only that, but if they did have time to animate bloopers for these movies, how come they didn’t have the time to animate more than one face for Andy’s friends? Or create a new landscape for Randall to appear at in Monsters Inc.?

Clearly, no one is complaining, as Pixar’s bloopers are always hilariously clever, but one would think they could’ve found something more productive to do with that time.

Pixar Almost Made Us All Supervillains

This may be an “old meme,” considering that the release date for The Incredibles 2 is outdated, but the message still rings true.

The original release date for The Incredibles 2 was slated in 2019, a whopping 15 years after the original. This was unforgivably long.

Fortunately, Pixar heard our cries and pleas for a sequel to their superhero film, and decided to deliver it a year sooner, pushing Toy Story 4 back a year. Considering the number of Toy Story movies we’ve had over the years, this was a sacrifice we all were willing to make.

Had Pixar gone with their original release date, the wait could’ve driven us insane. As the meme implies, many of us likely would’ve turned to drastic measures to make sure that we finally receive this long-anticipated sequel.

Fortunately, most of us are rational people and wouldn’t have considered some of these drastic measures, but who knows… patience is a virtue not everyone shares.

Can you think of any other memes that prove Pixar movies make no sense? Sound off in the comments!